Consulter la définition de mots techniques
Term account
Deposit account in which the funds are blocked for a certain time period in return for an interest rate stipulated when the account is opened. The interest paid is subject to tax and social security charges. Also called fixed-term deposit.
Source: Banque de France
Term deposit
As opposed to a demand deposit, a deposit with a specified term and contractual interest rate. The cash funds are therefore blocked until the end of a given term. Generally speaking, the return of the blocked funds may not be requested before the end of the term specified in the contract signed between the customer and the bank (without penalties). In return for the funds being blocked, the customer receives an interest rate similar to that of the money market rate.
Source: FBF
Time “T”
Cut-off time for inclusion of the failed institution's
transactions; in principle, it is the processing cut-off time of an accounting day.
Source: FGDR
Transferable security
Security issued by public or private legal entities (for example, a company, SICAV, central and local governments) which provides access, directly or indirectly, to a portion of the issuer's capital or to a right to claim. Stocks, bonds and units of mutual funds are examples of transferable securities. The term “transferable security” has been replaced by “financial instrument” in the Monetary and Financial Code.
Source: Banque de France
The trust, along with its associated accounts, is treated as a person in its own right. It receives up to €100,000 in compensation under the deposit guarantee scheme, independently of the holder of the account(s) (the trustee), the settlor of the trust and their beneficiary.
Source: CCSF