Key figures of the FGDR

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The FGDR's financial year runs from January to December. Its key figures at 31 December of each year are published annually after the financial statements have been approved in late March-early April of the following year. The annual report is finalised then published before 30 June. 


The FGDR's figures and resources

Facts & figures at 31/12/2021

Available resources at 31/12/2021
€6.106 billion
Member institutions
472 members

Deposit i Guarantee Scheme member

340 members

Investor Compensation Scheme members

301 members

Performance Bonds Guarantee i Scheme members

277 members

Deposit guarantee scheme
Up to €100,000 per customer, per instituti

Compensation i in 7 working days

Investor compensation scheme
Up to €70,000 per customer, per institution

Compensation in 3 months, which may be extended

Performance bonds guarantee scheme  

Compensation of 90% of the harm sustained

Franchise of €3,000


472 FGDR member institutions

FGDR member institutions

At 31 December 2021, 472 banks and financial institutions operating in France were members of the FGDR and were required to contribute to it under at least one of the three guarantee schemes or under the national resolution mechanism. 

FGDR member institutions at 31/12/2021
TOTAL: 472 institutions
(an institution can be a member of several guarantee mechanisms)
340 Members of the Deposit Guarantee Scheme
301 Members of the Investor Compensation Scheme
277 Members of the Performance Bonds Guarantee i Scheme
103 Members of the National Resolution Fund (NRF)


Available resources: over €6.106 billion

The amount of resources available to the FGDR increases on a regular basis. 
At 31/12/2021, the FGDR’s own funds stood at €6.106 billion, of which €5.8 billion were intended for the deposit guarantee mechanism. These resources are readily available at all times. 

The FGDR's available ressources at 31/12/2021

Guarantee mechanism Available ressources 

2021 contributions for each mechanism


Deposit Guarantee 5,844 758
Investor Compensation 167 0
Performance Bonds Guarantee i 39 0

National Resolution Fund (NRF)

(SRF: -2)

56 12
Total 5,326 770


Resources proportionate to intervention risk

  • The FGDR’s resources are proportionate to the actual intervention risk. They correspond to the risk of having to conduct a compensation process with so-called “non-systemic” small- or medium-sized banks. 

  • Furthermore, the FGDR has a revolving line of credit of €1.4 billion for the deposit guarantee scheme. With this credit line, the FGDR has available resources of nearly €6 billion, i.e. 0.5% of bank deposits covered in France. This amount is within the targets for 2024 that the European regulations have set with regard to deposit guarantee schemes' resources. 

  • In addition to its immediate resources, the FGDR has the ability to collect additional special contributions from its members. 

  • In the event of risk involving a leading institution, the European Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) with the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) would take action first. The SRF, which must reach at least 1% of the amount of the covered deposits of all credit institutions licensed in all participating Member States, is expected to have €55 billion by 2023. 

The FGDR has ample, additional and cumulative resources to pay compensation, carry out a preventative intervention, finance asset transfers or grant guarantees to ensure the resolution of a banking crisis. These resources allow it to guarantee the customers of all institutions operating in France. 

Contributions i collected 

The net contributions collected in 2021  by the FGDR for its own account totalled €624,20 million, including operating expenses and contributions resultng form transfers between European guarantee schemes. 

For France, 2021 contribution by mechanism were as follows: 

  • €602 million for the deposit guarantee, investor compensation and performance schemes; and
  • €10 million for the National Resolution Mechanism. 
Guarantee i Mechanism Contributions i collected in 2021 (€M)
Deposit i Guarantee i € 758 million
Investor Compensation i 0
Performance Bonds Guarantee i 0
National Resolution Fund (NRF) €12 million
Total Contributions i 2021 €770 million

Increase in own funds each year

  • The FGDR's own funds increase in proportion to the amount of deposits and savings of the French people. 
  • Following the collection of the 2021 contributions, the FGDR’s own funds for all mechanisms totalled €6.1 billion at 31/12/2021.


FGDR's Own Funds
€ million
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Deposit guarantee scheme i 2,958 3,157 3,382 3,649 4,050 4,482 5,083 5,844
Investor compensation scheme 135 148 152 153 154 156 159 167
Performance bonds guarantee scheme 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39

National Resolution Fund

(47-2 SFR)

  11 14 17 26 35 45 56
Total Own Funds 3,130 3,354 3,586 3,857 4,268 4,712 5,326 6,106



 Other resources

  • To supplement its available resources for the deposit guarantee scheme, in January 2021 the FGDR took out a two-year stand-by line of credit, which can be renewed twice, in the amount of €1.5 billion. At the end of 2021, the due date of the line of credit was extended until January 2024.

  • As provided in the French Monetary and Financial Code, in 2021 the FGDR also collected €7.2 million in monetary penalties imposed on investment services providers by the AMF. These penalties mainly supplement the FGDR’s own funds for the investor compensation scheme.


National Resolution Fund (NRF)

  • The FGDR collects resources for the National Resolution Fund (NRF). For all institutions, the NRF is expected to have resources of over €60 million by 2024.


Single Resolution Fund (SRF) i

  • The FGDR is also responsible for collecting contributions on behalf of the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) i and transferring them to that fund after receipt. 
    The Single Resolution Fund, which is managed by the Single Resolution Board in the euro zone, is used to finance the resolution of institutions that are “significant” under the European “SRU” regulation.

In accordance with European legislation, the target amounts to be met by both funds by 2024 are at least 1% of the covered deposits of all member institutions.

Figures for the banking sector in France

Number of institutions and deposits 

At 31 December 2021, the banking sector, including branches in the European Economic Area (EEA) i , comprised 413 cerdit instutions, 156 financing companies, 149 investment firms, 59 payment institutions, 21 electronic money institutions and four account information services providers (ACPR-2020 The French banking and insurance market in figures, page 8). 

The 6 largest French banking groups representing 82% of the total balance sheet of the French banking sector compared to 80% at the end of 2019. (ACPR- The banking French banking and insurance market in figures, page 5). 

For the record, at 31 December 2019 the total amount of deposits collected by credit and similar institutions from non-financial customers rose from €2.710 billion to €2.892 billion, up 6,7% between 2018 and 2019 (ACPR-2019 The French banking and insurance market in figures, page 5).


Banking sector activity in France 

Some figures regarding banks and banking sector : 

  • 5 French banks rank among the top 10 banks in Euro area (S&P Global 2019);  

  • Almost 76 000 points of cash distribution in Metropolitan France ( Banque de France i 2019); 

  • 75 millions of banking card in France (BCE 2019); 

  • 4.6 Billions of transactions by contactless card in 2020 (GIE CB); 

  • banks make a 2.4% contribution to total added value in France (INSEE - FBF); 

  • €2,750 Billions of credit to the economy; 

  • €1,137 Billions of outstanding real estate loans; 

  • 1.8% of private employment with 360,000 employees (FBF 2019) with more than 98% of people permanent position.