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Joint account (Multiple owners account)
Account opened in the name of several people. In a joint signatory account, the co-holders complete transactions on the account together. In a single signatory account, each of the co-holders can complete transactions on their own.
Source : FBF
Joint signatory account
Joint account opened in the name of several people. The consent and signature of all co-holders are needed to complete transactions on the account (no individual holder is entitled to claim full payment of the funds).
Source: Banque de France
Joint tenants account (joint account)
Multiple owners account opened in the name of two or more people who are not necessarily bound by a family relationship or alliance, called co-holders. To open a joint account, the co-holders must sign an account agreement. Any of the co-holders may complete debit and credit transactions on the account on his own – exactly as if he were the sole account holder – including deposits and withdrawals of funds, cashing of cheques, bank transfers, direct debit authorisations, etc.
Source: Banque de France