The FGDR’s partners in France

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The Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution is a key element in the “banking safety net” set up to guarantee the stability of the financial system as a whole. It supports and complements the central bank, banking and financial supervisors and public authorities in working to secure the financial sector and its customers.
This mechanism plays a crucial role in terms of financial stability: it prevents customers from giving into panic and rushing to a financial institution to withdraw their funds or assets, which would accelerate the phenomenon and potentially cause a chain of failures. 


French public institutions

The French central bank, Banque de France, is a 200-year-old institution and the French pillar of the Eurosystem, the federal system of national central banks headed up by the European Central Bank (ECB). Its three main missions are monetary policy, financial stability and the provision of economic services to the community.
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The Ministry of Economy and Finance is the ministerial department in charge of France's economic and financial policy. 
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The Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR) is an independent administrative authority that oversees the banking and insurance sectors in France. 
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The Financial Markets Authority (AMF) regulates participants and products in France's financial markets. It regulates, authorises, monitors and, where necessary, conducts investigations and issues sanctions. In addition, it ensures that investors receive material information and provides a mediation service to assist them in disputes.
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Financial organisation

The Fédération des Banques Françaises (FBF) is the professional organisation that represents all banks authorised in France. In 2020, it included 430 French and foreign commercial, cooperative and mutual member banks. 
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The Office de Coordination Bancaire et Financière (OCBF) is an independent organisation whose members include banking and finance professionals. In 2020, it included 145 financial institutions that are either independent or subsidiaries or branches of French and foreign groups. 
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The Association Française des Sociétés Financières (ASF) had 290 members in 2020 – including financing companies, specialised banks and investment firms, which offer a range of unique and specialised credit, financial and investment services.
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The Association Française des Établissements de Crédits et des Entreprises d’Investissement (AFECEI) represents the collective interests of credit institutions, investment firms, market undertakings and clearing houses, particularly with the public authorities. It draws up recommendations on matters of mutual interest and, where necessary, promotes cooperation between networks and the organisation of services of mutual interest. 
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The Association Française des Banques (AFB) is one of the founding members of the Fédération Bancaire Française (FBF). As such, it sits on the Executive Committee of the FBF, where it represents all institutions licensed as banks by the ACPR, and particularly small- and medium-sized banks and foreign banks. It is the professional body for commercial banks with respect to social issues (collective agreement of the banking industry of January 2000).
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Member institutions

All credit institutions, investment services providers and financing companies that are licensed in France to conduct their activities, are members of the FGDR. As such, they are key partners of the FGDR and help it to fulfil its mission in terms of elections and participation in the Supervisory Board, contributions and involvement in the work of the banking industry: seven-day compensation, banking communication, crisis communication, stress tests, etc.
View the list of FGDR members,